iCar Magazine

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Розробник: SWAM Technologies LLC

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Best Cars App on the App Store

iCar Guide is the first car application in the App store that is a real car guide which will cover all the material that a real automobile passionate will seek for.
Whether you are looking to buy a new car
Whether you are a car fanatic
Whether you are looking to compare the prices of new vehicles
Whether you just fell like having over 1500 car pictures at the tip of your finger
Whether you just feel about watching some interesting videos
Whether you feel like looking at the multiple TOP 10’s lists
Whether you just feel like reading about some interesting automobile topics
Whether you just need it to resolve arguments when people debate over car specs

is the
for YOU.

Here are the many functions available in this application:
Detailed description of all new cars available in North America
5 pictures for every single car model
Over 1500 pictures that can be save.
Calculate the financing and leasing price for any car
Find the closest dealer near you
Save in to your favorites any car, pricing or dealer locations
Directly share within the app any of your favorites to your friends
Many very interesting articles about various themes.
Many out of the ordinary TOP 10’s
Over 15 very interesting videos on different subjects (we will keep on adding more)
And many more…

Do not wait anymore and get your hands today on the BEST CAR APPLICATION!

All the material covered in this application are public information, iCar Guide is a gathering of public information such as car specs, prices, dealers locations, pictures and videos put together for iCar Guide. SWAM Tech Softwares do not own any rights on the information, pictures and videos, however hold all rights in iCar Guide itself.

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